Der „therapeutische Akt“ als singuläre Wahrheit in Lacan'scher Perspektive mit Bezug zur Lebensphänomenologie


The "therapeutic act" as a singular truth in a Lacanian perspective with reference to the phenomenology of life

According to Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis (1901-1981), the uniqueness of the subject realised in the therapeutic act without further alienation from wholeness calls into question any ontological claim to a whole (tout), in order to release the subject in this way from a misunderstood "self-knowledge". The discursive implications here contain precisely the transition from desire to enquiry into the Other (A) as this primordial problematic, since the subject's self-recognition is not merely ignored, but forgotten. This is what constitutes the phantasmatic reference of the "object a" as "pleasure" to the desired whole, which at the beginning of each child's existence only represents a "partial object" (Freud) in the form of the mother and her breast. This primal "not everything" (pas tout) is obscured insofar as the genesis of the request out of desire determines the structure of all later requests, in which the singular need is temporalised as an entirety through language.

Keywords: Lacan, truth, desire, language, phenomenology of life

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