From the Pure “We-Relationship” in Schütz to “What Happens Between Us” in Waldenfels: Open Possibilities for an Inclusive Attitude in Relation to the Other
Journal: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy
ISSN: 2067-3655
Year of Publication: 2015
Issue: Vol. VII, No. 2
Title: From the Pure “We-Relationship” in Schütz to “What Happens Between Us” in Waldenfels: Open Possibilities for an Inclusive Attitude in Relation to the Other
Pages: 357-375
Author: Márcio Junglos
Author Affiliation: Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense – IFSUL/Brazil
Address: Márcio Junglos
Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense – IFSUL
Campus Santana do Livramento: Rua Paul Harris, 410, Centro
Sant'Ana do Livramento/RS, Brazil
CEP 97574-360, Phone: (55)3242-9090, Fax: (55)3242-9070
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