The Nature of Intersubjectivity in Buber, Husserl and Waldenfels: An Encounter, an Intentional Constitution, or a Happening?

Journal: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy
ISSN: 2067-3655
Year of Publication: 2017
Issue: Vol. IX, No. 2 
Title: The Nature of Intersubjectivity in Buber, Husserl and Waldenfels: An Encounter, an Intentional Constitution, or a Happening?
Pages: 716-736
Author: Márcio Junglos
Author Affiliation: Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandese- IFSUL/Brazil                 
Address: Márcio Junglos
               Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense - IFSUL
               Campus Venâncio Aires: Avenida das Indústrias, 
               1865 - Bairro Universitário
               Venâncio Aires/RS - BRAZIL
               CEP:  95.800-000 – Phone (51) 3793-4200

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