Stasis in the Planetary-City: Conflict and Spatiality within the Fading of Western Modernity
Journal: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy
ISSN: 2067-3655
Year of Publication: 2021
Issue: Vol. XIII, No. 2
Title: Stasis in the Planetary-City: Conflict and Spatiality within the Fading of Western Modernity
Author: Valentina Antoniol, Niccolò Cuppini
Author Affiliation: University of Bologna, University of Applied Arts and Sciences of Southern Switzerland
Address: Valentina Antoniol
Department of Architecture
University of Bologna
Viale del Risorgimento, 2
40136, Bologna, Italy
Niccolò Cuppini
University of Applied Arts and Sciences of Southern Switzerland
Via Pobiette, 11
6928 Manno, Switzerland
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