The Fundamental Ontology of Developmental Psychology: The Development of the Self as a Systematic Relationship between the Concept of the World and the Concept of the Self in Orientation towards Absolute Infinity

Journal: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy
ISSN: 2067-3655
Year of Publication: 2022
Issue: Vol. XIV, No. 2 
Title: The Fundamental Ontology of Developmental Psychology: The Development of the Self as a Systematic Relationship between the Concept of the World and the Concept of the Self in Orientation towards Absolute Infinity 
Pages: 383-401
Author: Cordelia Mühlenbeck
Author Affiliation: Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg – Theodor Fontane
Address:  Cordelia Mühlenbeck
                Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg – Theodor Fontane
                Department Psychologie, Qualitative Forschungsmethoden 
                Fehrbelliner Str. 38, 16816 Neuruppin, Deutschland

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