Articles by Muhlenbeck Cordelia:
The Analogy between the Infinity of the World and the Infinity of Mathematics in Relation to the Absolute
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The Fundamental Ontology of Developmental Psychology: The Development of the Self as a Systematic Relationship between the Concept of the World and the Concept of the Self in Orientation towards Absolute Infinity
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The orientation on absolute infinity and the openness of worldviews as the necessary foundation for models of developmental psychology
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Die absolute Unendlichkeit des Raumzeit-Kontinuums als grundlegende Fundamentalontologie
[Abstract] [Full Article PDF] [Article Details]
Die Unendlichkeit der Natur und der Einzeldinge - Husserls allseitig unendliches Erscheinungskontinuum und das Konzept des Kontinuums in der Philosophie der Mathematik
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